How do we talk about memory and historical responsibility? And about the sometimes contradictory “odd” emotions they both produce? 10 Odd Emotions is a polyphonic artistic investigation of the present and genealogy of anti-Semitic and racist violence in Germany that makes language, music, bodies and images dance. It is a piece of contemporary Physical Theatre developed through an international collaboration between Schauspiel Frankfurt, the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company, and freelance artists under the direction of Saar Magal. It examines experiences of belonging and exclusion. How is a “foreign body” – one that is ostracized, oppressed – created from the midst of a supposed collective “we”?

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photo: Birgit Hupfeld
Credits Team
Concept and direction: Saar Magal Choreography: Saar Magal, in collaboration with the ensemble | Music: Omer Klein & Silvan Strauss |Stage: Magdalena Gut | Costumes: Slavna Martinovic | Rehearsal director choreography: Niv Marinberg | Dramaturgy: Alexander Leiffheidt | Light: Frank Kraus | Video: Natan Berkowicz, Macin Kosakowski | Dance dramaturgical advice: Julia Kraus | Stage design: Eva Veronica Born
Sarah Grunert, Todd Baker, Adaya Berkovich, Felix Berning, Kevin Beyer, Bat El Dotan, Roberta Inghilterra, Clay Koonar, Barbora Kubátová, Amanda Lana, Zoe Lenzi Allaria, Allison McGuire, Gjergji Meshaj, Alessandra Miotti, Gaizka Morales Richard, David Leonidas Thiel, Andreas Vögler, Isaiah Wilson, Paul Wolff-Plottegg
Omer Klein, Silvan Strauss (Live-Music)
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