A gentle girl from Netanya with a messiah complex, goes out with her friends to a nightclub in the big city, to dance, get laid, drink, get deep insights about life and maybe even fall in love.
In an electrifying night trip to the club - which begins with passionate conversations with objects in the room, and ends with sitting drunk on the beach with Sambusk pizza - she walks boldly along an abyss. Tonight she will fulfill her fantasy and conquer the square. Maybe even a Persian prince on a white horse will emerge through the smoke, and she won't end up like her Persian aunt, broken in pantyhose on the couch.
Broken is not an ordinary show, it is an event that aims to challenge the limits of the live show. It takes place in the club and allows you to dance, drink something and also sit and watch. When the fantasy crumbles into reality, so will the boundary between a show and a party that will continue until the last broken one.

Teaser ←

Studio photography "Digistage": Eyal Dolev. Design by: Tzvika Shmidman
Creators: Binyamin Yom Tov, Daniel Magon and Shani Shabtai | Performers: Bat El Dotan, Binyamin Yom Tov, Daniel Magon, Maayan Or |DJ: Daniel Magon |Additional writer: Elad Gil | Design and production: Ita Nachtailer | Lighting design: Shai Dror |Movement: Avi Mazliah | Technical person: Nir Ish Shalom | Artistic Director & Guidance: Yeftah Leibovitch | Main producer: Iran Fitoussi 
This show was developed as part of the  Israeli Comedy Festival 2024 in Jerusalem.
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