Produced for The Israel Museum, Jerusalem for the exhibition: Peter and Pan - From Ancient Greece to Neverland. Peter Pan, as his name suggests, was inspired by the ancient Greek god Pan. The film takes the exhibition visitors through the cultural and mythical events that connect these two famous characters together.

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produced, directed and animated by: Ofeq Shemer & Ada Rimon | Screenplay: Sivan Shiknaji | Narrator: Bat El Dotan | curator: Rachel Saine Kreinin | curator- in-charge: Dudi Mevorah | hebrew editing: Revital Mazover |english translation and editing: Nancy Benovitz | cinematographer : Guy Pinto | Gaffer: Boaz Ben Ezra | Makeup: Ingrid Feldman filmed at: Virtuals.TV Stodius, tecnical producer: Amit Miller| sound Editor : Ron Cohen

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