A Polish-Israeli collaboration with the theme TOMORROW’S  PAST - Both cultures share not only a 1000 years of joint history but also a history of foreign forces of conquest and demolition, and a revival as modern, open and vibrant nations. The two societies share a mutual trauma that still shapes their identity, and the way the two societies interact.
led by and created for the future generation of theatre makers Magda Szpecht and Szymon Adamczak. 
Created for the Habait Theatre in Tel Aviv.

Photo: Omri Rosenblum
concept, text and directing: Magda Szprcht & Szymon Adamczak | video and editing: Omri Rosenblum | cast: Bat El Dotan, Yael Mor, Yaniv Segal, Gal Dorenfeld | Production: Habit Theather, Tel Aviv | thanks to: The Adam Mickiewich Institute

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